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An analysis of the factors affecting keypoint stability in scale-space




The most popular image matching algorithm SIFT, introduced by D. Lowe adecade ago, has proven to be sufficiently scale invariant to be used innumerous applications. In practice, however, scale invariance may be weakenedby various sources of error inherent to the SIFT implementation affecting thestability and accuracy of keypoint detection. The density of the sampling ofthe Gaussian scale-space and the level of blur in the input image are two ofthese sources. This article presents a numerical analysis of their impact onthe extracted keypoints stability. Such an analysis has both methodological andpractical implications, on how to compare feature detectors and on how toimprove SIFT. We show that even with a significantly oversampled scale-spacenumerical errors prevent from achieving perfect stability. Usual strategies tofilter out unstable detections are shown to be inefficient. We also prove thatthe effect of the error in the assumption on the initial blur is asymmetric andthat the method is strongly degraded in presence of aliasing or without acorrect assumption on the camera blur.
机译:D. Lowe adecade之前推出的最流行的图像匹配算法SIFT已被证明具有足够的尺度不变性,可用于众多应用。然而,实际上,SIFT实现固有的各种误差源可能会削弱尺度不变性,这会影响关键点检测的稳定性和准确性。这些源中有两个是高斯比例空间的采样密度和输入图像中的模糊程度。本文对它们对提取的关键点稳定性的影响进行了数值分析。这样的分析在方法上和实践上都具有影响,包括如何比较特征检测器以及如何改进SIFT。我们表明,即使对比例空间进行了严重的过采样,数值误差也无法实现完美的稳定性。过滤掉不稳定检测的常规策略被证明是无效的。我们还证明了假设误差对初始模糊的影响是不对称的,并且该方法在出现混叠或对相机模糊没有正确假设的情况下会严重退化。



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